wsdebug - the whitespace debugger

w h a t   i s   i t ? . . . 
 wsdebug is a debugger for the more or less famous whitespace programming language, coming along with a rather fast interpreter (wsi). [ more info ]

w s p a c e g e n . . . 
 wspacegen is a nice little tool, allowing to easily put a whitespace program together. It offers you a hierarchic menu system, where you simply choose the commands you'd like to append, one after another.
It's using wsdebug's approach towards memory management, actually wspacegen and wsdebug used to be one thing, but got forked right after starting.

w s p a c e g e n ' s   h i c c u p s ? . . . 
 It's yet in pre-alpha state, not allowing to edit or delete stuff. But on the whole I guess it's a good idea and a new approach towards whitespace coding.

w h e r e   c a n   I   g e t   i t ? . . . 
 If you'd like to have a closer look at wspacegen, come here