wsdebug - the whitespace debugger

w h a t   i s   i t ? . . . 
 wsdebug is a debugger for the more or less famous whitespace programming language, coming along with a rather fast interpreter (wsi). [ more info ]

w s d e b u g   c u r r e n t l y   i s   i n   a l p h a - s t a t e . . . 
 I'm currently putting much effort into progressing the development of wsdebug. However my time is a quite limited resource. That's why there currently is no release, only the git thingy (which's however working quite reliable).

h o w   t o   g e t   m o s t   r e c e n t   g i t   w s d e b u g   t h i n g y ? . . . 
 do something like this on your command prompt:
		git clone wsdebug