The HaPyLi Programming Language

What is HaPyLi?

HaPyLi is a programming language designed to compile to Whitespace. Its syntax was derived from Haskell, Python, and Lisp, hence the name. I created it partly to learn more about text parsers, regular expressions, compilers, Haskell, and Python (it was originally written in Haskell, but that language felt too clunky. I haven't yet mastered proper abstraction in functional languages).

Get the HaPyLi compiler on GitHub.
Start the tutorial.

Umm... what the hell? Why?

Have you ever been told by your boss to look busy, even though there were no projects for you to do? Now imagine being told that, roughly every day, for two years. That's what it's like to be a programmer for a certain United States government agency. HaPyLi is the end result of my "looking busy". Yes, I'm very glad to be out of there!