extern crate whitespacers;
use std::env;
use std::error::Error;
use std::io::{self, Write, Read, BufRead};
use std::fs::File;
use std::time::Instant;
use whitespacers::{Program, Interpreter, Options, debug_compile};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Args {
program: String,
options: Options,
input: Option<String>,
output: Option<String>,
format: FileFormat,
action: Action,
perf: bool,
minify: bool
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum FileFormat {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Action {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Strategy {
fn main() {
match console_main() {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(s) => write!(io::stderr(), "Error: {}\n", s.to_string()).unwrap()
fn console_main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let time_start = Instant::now();
let args = parse_args()?;
let time_args = Instant::now();
let data = {
let mut file = File::open(&args.program)?;
let mut data = String::new();
file.read_to_string(&mut data)?;
let time_input = Instant::now();
let mut program = match args.format {
FileFormat::Whitespace => Program::parse(data.into_bytes())?,
FileFormat::Assembly => Program::assemble(data)?
let time_parse = Instant::now();
let mut output: Box<dyn Write> = if let Some(path) = args.output {
} else {
let time_finish;
match args.action {
Action::Translate => {
if args.minify {
match args.format {
FileFormat::Whitespace => output.write_all(program.disassemble().as_bytes()),
FileFormat::Assembly => output.write_all(program.dump().as_slice()),
time_finish = Instant::now();
_ => {
let mut input: Box<dyn BufRead> = if let Some(path) = args.input {
} else {
match args.action {
Action::Execute(strategy) => {
let mut interpreter = Interpreter::new(&program, args.options, &mut input, &mut output);
match strategy {
Strategy::SimpleState => interpreter.interpret_with_simple_state(),
Strategy::BigState => interpreter.interpret_with_bigint_state(),
Strategy::FastState => interpreter.interpret_with_fast_state(),
Strategy::AoT => interpreter.jit_aot(),
Strategy::Sync => interpreter.jit_sync(),
Strategy::Async => interpreter.jit_threaded(),
Strategy::Count => interpreter.count_with_simple_state().map(|count| println!("Executed {} instructions", count))
}.map_err(|e| {e.format_with_program(&program)})?;
time_finish = Instant::now();
Action::Dump(ref filename) => {
let buffer = debug_compile(&program, args.options);
time_finish = Instant::now();
let mut f = File::create(filename)?;
_ => unreachable!()
if args.perf {
let duration = time_args - time_start;
println!("Time spent parsing args: {}.{:09}", duration.as_secs(), duration.subsec_nanos());
let duration = time_input - time_args;
println!("Time spent reading: {}.{:09}", duration.as_secs(), duration.subsec_nanos());
let duration = time_parse - time_input;
println!("Time spent parsing: {}.{:09}", duration.as_secs(), duration.subsec_nanos());
let duration = time_finish - time_parse;
match args.action {
Action::Dump(_) => println!("Time spent compiling: {}.{:09}", duration.as_secs(), duration.subsec_nanos()),
Action::Execute(_) => println!("Time spent executing: {}.{:09}", duration.as_secs(), duration.subsec_nanos()),
Action::Translate => println!("Time spent translating: {}.{:09}", duration.as_secs(), duration.subsec_nanos()),
macro_rules! try_opt {
($o:expr, $e:expr) => (
match $o {
Some(x) => x,
None => return Err($e)
fn parse_args() -> Result<Args, String> {
let mut perf = false;
let mut minify = false;
let mut input = None;
let mut output = None;
let mut format = None;
let mut action = None;
let mut options = Options::empty();
let mut args = env::args();
let mut pos_args = Vec::new();
loop {
match args.next() {
Some(arg) => match arg.as_ref() {
"-d" | "--dump" => if let Some(_) = action {
return Err("Option --dump, --translate, --count or --execute was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
action = Some(Action::Dump(try_opt!(args.next(), "Missing argument to --dump".to_string())));
"-p" | "--perf" => if perf {
return Err("Option --perf was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
perf = true;
"-i" | "--input" => if let Some(_) = input {
return Err("Option --input was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
input = Some(try_opt!(args.next(), "Missing argument to --input".to_string()));
"-o" | "--output" => if let Some(_) = output {
return Err("Option --output was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
output = Some(try_opt!(args.next(), "Missing argument to --output".to_string()));
"-f" | "--format" => if let Some(_) = format {
return Err("Option --format was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
format = match try_opt!(args.next(), "Missing argument to --format".to_string()).as_ref() {
"whitespace" | "ws" => Some(FileFormat::Whitespace),
"assembly" | "asm" => Some(FileFormat::Assembly),
f => return Err(format!("Unrecognized input format {}", f))
"-t" | "--translate" => if let Some(_) = action {
return Err("Option --dump, --translate, --count or --execute was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
action = Some(Action::Translate);
"-m" | "--minify" => if minify {
return Err("Option --minify was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
minify = true;
"-c" | "--count" => if let Some(_) = action {
return Err("Option --dump, --translate, --count or --execute was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
action = Some(Action::Execute(Strategy::Count));
"-e" | "--execute" => if let Some(_) = action {
return Err("Option --dump, --translate, --count or --execute was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
action = Some(match try_opt!(args.next(), "Missing argument to --execute".to_string()).as_ref() {
"ref" | "reference" => Action::Execute(Strategy::SimpleState),
"big" | "bigint" => Action::Execute(Strategy::BigState),
"opt" | "optimized" => Action::Execute(Strategy::FastState),
"aot" | "precompiled" => Action::Execute(Strategy::AoT),
"sync" | "synchronous" => Action::Execute(Strategy::Sync),
"async" | "threaded" => Action::Execute(Strategy::Async),
a => return Err(format!("Unrecognized strategy {}", a))
"--ignore-overflow" => if options.contains(Options::IGNORE_OVERFLOW) {
return Err("Option --ignore-overflow was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
options |= Options::IGNORE_OVERFLOW;
"--unchecked-heap" => if options.contains(Options::UNCHECKED_HEAP) {
return Err("Option --unchecked-heap was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
options |= Options::UNCHECKED_HEAP;
"--no-fallback" => if options.contains(Options::NO_FALLBACK) {
return Err("Option --no-fallback was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
options |= Options::NO_FALLBACK;
"--no-implicit-exit" => if options.contains(Options::NO_IMPLICIT_EXIT) {
return Err("Option --no-implicit-exit was specified twice".to_string());
} else {
options |= Options::NO_IMPLICIT_EXIT;
"-h" | "--help" => return Err("Usage: whitespacers PROGRAM [-h | -i INFILE | -o OUTFILE | [-t | -e STRATEGY | -d DUMPFILE | -c] | -f FORMAT | -p | --ignore-overflow | --unchecked-heap | --no-fallback]
wsc - A really fast whitespace JIT-compiler.
Required arguments:
PROGRAM The whitespace program to execute
-h --help Display this message
-f --format FORMAT Input file format. The default is plain whitespace. Options are:
ws|whitespace Plain whitespace.
asm|assembly A human-readable assembly format. A description can be found below.
-i --input INFILE File to read input from (defaults to stdin)
-o --output OUTFILE File to write output to (defaults to stdout)
-e --execute STRATEGY Execute the file using specific settings. This is the default using
the precompiled setting. Options are as following:
ref|reference Use a simple reference interpreter that falls back onto a bignum
based interpreter.
opt|optimized Use the reference interpreter with optimized data structures.
big|bigint Use the bignum based fallback interpreter directly. This is the
slowest option.
aot|precompiled Compile the program into native code in advance, and then execute
it using optimized datastructures. This is the fastest for short
programs, or programs that have a long execution time. It falls back
to the optimized interpreter and bignum interpreter when the native
code encounters errors.
sync|synchronous Similar to precompiled, but this implementation compiles code it
encounters while interpreting. This is faster for large programs that
only actually execute a small part of their code.
async|threaded Similar to precompiled, but compiles code in a separate thread while
already interpreting. It is faster on large programs.
-d --count Use the reference interpreter with no bignum fallback to count the amount
of instructions executed.
-t --translate Instead of executing, translate the file to/from assembly, and write
the result to the specified output.
-m --minify When translating, minify the resulting code by crushing label size.
-d --dump DUMPFILE Just compiles the program into assembly and dumps the result into a
file. This is mainly for debugging.
-p --perf Prints performance information to stdout.
--ignore-overflow Use wrapping arithmetic instead of switching to bignum-based
interpretation when overflow occurs.
--unchecked-heap By default the interpreter generates an error when a missing key is
requested from the heap. As the behaviour of the reference
implementation of this is somewhat inconsistent, this option
configures the interpreter to return 0 instead.
--no-fallback On overflow, generate an error instead of switching to a bignum
--no-implicit-exit By default, the compiler exits cleanly if the end of the program is
reached, even when no exit command is present. This flag disables
this behaviour.
Assembly format:
The assembly format used by wsc is very nasm-like. It supports the following instructions:
Stack manipulation - push INTEGER, dup, swap, copy INTEGER, pop, slide INTEGER
Arithmetic - add, sub, mul, div, mod
Heap manipulation - get, set
Control flow - label LABEL, call LABEL, jmp LABEL, jz LABEL, jn LABEL, ret, exit
IO - pnum, pchr, inum, ichr
instead of the label opcode, labels can also be declared using the more familiar \"LABEL:\" syntax.
Comments are denoted using the ; symbol. Integers can be arbitrarily sized, but decimal only. Labels
can consist out of all letters and underscore, and all but the first character can be a number.
Below is an example program that prints the fibonacci sequence to stdout:
push 1
push 1
copy 0
push 10
jmp loop
"--" => {
_ => if arg.chars().next() == Some('-') {
return Err(format!("Unrecognized option {}", arg));
} else {
None => break
let mut pos_args = pos_args.into_iter();
let program = try_opt!(pos_args.next(), "Missing required positional argument 'PROGRAM'".to_string());
if let Some(x) = pos_args.next() {
return Err(format!("Unexpected positional argument {}", x));
return Ok(Args {
program: program,
options: options,
input: input,
output: output,
format: format.unwrap_or(FileFormat::Whitespace),
action: action.unwrap_or(Action::Execute(Strategy::AoT)),
perf: perf,
minify: minify